Monday, September 10, 2018

the tomb

The tomb
Clang! Crash! Dan was a 8 year old child , in a dreadful desert who had lovely blonde hair which at the moment was stuck to his head with sweat, Dan  had been digging all morning. Along with his team of fellow archaeologists, countless tons and dirt and sand had been removed. At first the mechanical diggers had done their bit, to be followed by spades and shovels. Now, as the team neared their prize, their tools became trowels and delicate brushes.
Hours of sweat and toil in the blistering heat had brought little reward as yet, but things were about to change. Dan stood in front of what he hoped would be the most significant discovery of his career so far, and gently began to untie the knot that had sealed the door for thousands of years … “ready team! Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!  The door creaked creepily open and White fluffy ferrets ran out of it with little silver armor, helmets and golden spears, they were shocked how much there were it looked like there were about 10 of them“who are you?” a squeaky little ferret voice with black fur said bravely who must of been the leader “Dan and my crew” said Dan rather timidly “ only one of you can enter to see the animals!” said the leader whose name was Squeak. So Dan went and creeped silently into the Egypt tomb who Squeak said was the tomb of animals.
There was light up ahead then the first animals came into sight “ birds!” Dan exclaimed there were parrots, macaws, sparrows, pigeons, doves and budgerigars. Then the next light came up horses! Loads of them palominos, piebalds, chestnuts, geldings, blacks, greys and arabs a blue light came up and bunnies and then cats and dogs! But the last light came up and there was a cave roar and a lion, badger, eagle and serpent came into view.
“Who is this stanger! That comes into the our kingdom! Have you come to challenge us?” a male serpent boomed with the lion“ it is just me - Dan, Squeak said that I could come in here because I was the person who found this first” “well okay, congratulations you may choose an animal from here. Now leave us in peace so we can sleep”sacked the eagle, so Dan crept back and looked back ¨actually you can have 4 animals!!¨ the badger quietly squeaked. Soft sounds of snoring came from the depths of the cave where the graceful animals now slept ¨okay I hope those guys knows the animals that he's missing” thought Dan but this time when he went back Dan saw the there were tags for their names on them Dan chose 2 bright blue budgies, who were named Teal and Cyan then Dan chose 1 horse and got one black the black one was named Midnight and Midnight Had a huge black Flowing mane. lastly, he got a ferret who didn’t have a name so Dan could name the ferret! Although, this ferret was one of Squeak’s babies! Dan had a happy life retired from aregroegraphy and loved his pets. He named It Ravi after his favorite food Ravioli. In his life he then went to Sterlob which is a school of magic and found out that he was an animagus and he could turn into a fox and loved care of magical creatures class he was adored by professor sprout he got sorted into Cramblepaw which was a house and always helped out with other people, he made lots of friends one of them was cedric in his first year Cedric was a last year and he went into the triwizard tournament and died in it from cursa and evil wizard that only wants power. He didn't know if anybody would want to be his friend so he went back to the tomb and found the lion, serpent, eagle and badger although, later on he found a ferret, otter, budgie and unicorn, the animals of Sterlob and he stayed there happy as can be with lots of friends. He was best friends with the ferret because the Ferret was the symbol of Cramblepaw

By Scarlett

persuasive writing

Kauri Dieback
Kauri Dieback is a disease that affects kauri trees and Over the past ten years, a pathogen called Phytophthora agathidicida (fi-tof-thor-ah agatha-dis-id-ah) (PA) has spread through New Zealand’s kauri forests. It causes a disease called kauri dieback, which is unique to kauri, currently incurable, and almost always fatal.

     “If the kauri die out, everything in our forest will be affected,” says Will Ngakuru of Te Roroa iwi. Te Roroa are the kaitiaki of Waipoua Forest, where Tāne Mahuta stands. “In our iwi, we believe that we belong to the forest and the forest belongs to us. We need to do whatever it takes to protect the Waipoua Forest from PA.”
     Te Roar are not alone. Scientists, government.
hytophthora literally means “plant destroyer”. It refers to a category of tiny water moulds that live in the soil and enter plants through their roots. From there, they damage the tissues that carry nutrients within the plant, causing it to slowly starve to death.
     Phytophthora was detected in kauri on Great Barrier Island in the 1970s and has since spread to Auckland, Northland, and the Coromandel. In 2008, scientists identified the unique type of Phytophthora targeting kauri as Phytophthora agathidicida and labelled the disease kauri dieback.

Sunday, September 9, 2018


when I show respect
in the classroom:
  • I listen to the teacher carefully
  • I wait my turn for speaking 
  • I look after my friends when they are hurt
  • I treat my class mates fairly
  • I don't be rude
in the play ground:
  • I help my friends when they are hurt and I tell the duty teacher or stay and sooth my friends and other people
  • help my friends when they are stuck
at home:
  • I tell my mum when my brother is hurt
  • I listen at the dinner table when other people are talking

Sunday, July 29, 2018



  1. Permission, He gave me permission to enter the room.
  2. Gracious, "oh my goodness gracious!"
  3. Tension, the state of being stretched tight.
  4. Transmission, the action or process of transmitting something or the state of being transmitted.
  5. Crucial, critical, especially in the success or failure of something.
  6. Precious, that is the most precious thing in this room.
  7. Cautious, the sign says to be cautious when you enter this erea
  8. Moustache, like a beard but in the middle of your nose and mouth
  9. completion, the action or process of completing or finishing something.
  10. suspension, the action of suspending someone or something or the condition of being suspended.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Have you ever wondered why haven’t anyone set foot on saturn? How long does it take for Saturn to orbit the sun?  Want to find out these things then read on ...
Saturn has big rings with a rockey iron/nickel core. Saturn is yellow/grey blended in a shade like a lemon getting old. Saturn is made up of 94% hydrogen, 6% helium and small amounts of methane & ammonia.

Saturn is 58,232km radius and is the second largest after Jupiter. It is a gas giant with radur 9 times more on earth. If someone ever wanted to land on either Jupiter or Saturn you would  just fall though and die also then a dead person would be flying through the sky in a space suit

Time and mythology
Saturn goes around the sun in 29 earth years and is the roman name for cronus, the root of the english word saturday. Also the roman god for agriculture and the astromary symbol represents the sickle of another roman god.

Moon's & distance
Saturn has 64 moons and is the 6th planet closest to the sun apparently neptune has one of Saturn's moon Phoebe. Saturn is 1.433 billion km from the sun.

Overall Saturn has a huge rings made out of ice & rocks and is a huge gas giant.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Underground explorers

Underground Explorers

Marcus Thomas is 800 meters underneath the ground, in the belly of mount Owen. Marcus Thomas is examining that the water flow in though bulmer cavern to blue creak so he put in dye to prove that  there is a connection between the two.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

the ski trip

         The ski trip 
by Dave Armstrong

Anthony really liked his new teacher and they were going on a ski trip but Anthony needed to get money in Oder to go to it so he goes and does lots of jobs.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Alvin and me

Alvin and me 

Chris was a good kid he never got into trouble but when Alvin arrived they got budded up Chris was sared that he would speak chinse 

Sunday, February 25, 2018

To welliton

To Wellington

As We flew down to the middle of middle earth (Wellington) Mum, Finn and I went to the car rental and rented a car and drove to Weta workshop and got a tour, outside there was the mountain Ogres from the hobbit.
They talked about the Hobbit, Peter Jackson, Ghost in the shell, and the Lord of the rings. They showed us a dwarf room/designing room where they talked about the dwarfs armour and that silicon can look like real metal but can’t breathe like real metal. Also the problem of sweating.  

firelight secrets

firelight secrets          
It isn't much fun being ill so Karlie  lives in a famous  old house full of secrets from the olden days so she has time to find out about Victoria.